animals, challenges, Daily

Being present and purposeful, with intent.

Do you ever have those mornings when you want to return to bed?  I seem to be a lot more than I care to. Today was an exception. I had already checked when the sun was coming up.  Scheduled for the next 15 minutes; I didn’t want to miss it.  Instead, I found myself scrolling through social media. Why?  I don’t have that answer.  Besides, it was still chilly out,  so I told myself I’d do my bible study outside and then return to bed.  I might have read about three or four chapters, but then I started getting sleepy. 

I heard Roo telling me they wanted out and wanted breakfast.  Fine!  I’ll feed the animals and then go back to bed. It was already 9:15 am. I was already getting a late start to the day, so I got them all fed. By this time, it was starting to warm up outside. It’s too late to go back to bed now. I thought. At 9:45, I figured I would sit outside for some vitamin D.  The good Lord knows we don’t spend enough time outside. 

 This time, I would do something different. Instead of grabbing my coffee and sitting down to watch the ducks, I grabbed my notebook and pen. This time, I only took my phone to take pictures along the way.  

Spending time with my ducks is therapeutic.  So is writing. 

Sitting on the bench, I could put my thoughts on paper. I know all of this sounds wholly mundane and useless.  Maybe to some.  It’s about making a conscious change and being present and purposeful, with intent. 

One thing is for sure: I wouldn’t say I like the habits I’ve acquired lately.  I’ve become sluggish and don’t get half the things I intend to do for the day.

At 10:27 a.m., sitting with my coffee and pen in hand, I went through my list of chores. I became determined to get on a schedule.  

“When you do the things you’ve done, you always do what you always did.  You will also get what you’ve always gotten.”  It is not an exact quote from Tony Robbins; my brain added more for emphasis.  

Things have got to change!

I did the unthinkable! I started setting alarms on my phone, one every hour.  No matter where I was on a task when the alarms went off.  I will switch to a new task.  Starting at 11 am, the Newsboys will come on.  “That’s how you change the world,” will start blaring.  It’s a shift. I now had an 11-hour work day ahead of me, ending at 10 pm.

Today, I have water to change, baths to give, daily chores, and meal prep.  I spend too many hours not starting anything, which leaves me defeated by the end of the day.  

April 22 marked the day of Passover when the Israelites were brought out of Egypt, freeing them from slavery.  It also marks the day when Jesus passed over the blood-laden thresholds, saving those from death and destruction.  

Today is the day I claim my Passover.  I claim victory over unnecessary idleness.

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